Brodsky/ Baryshnikov

BRODSKY/BARYSHNOKOV è un “one-man show” basato sulle poesie del Premio Nobel per la letteratura Joseph Brodsky, interpretato da Mikhail Baryshnikov. Concepito e diretto da Alvis Hermanis, noto regista lettone del New Riga Theatre, BRODSKY/BARYSHNIKOV è un commovente viaggio nel profondo delle viscerali e complesse composizioni del poeta. Interpretato in russo, lingua madre di Brodsky, Baryshnikov recita una selezione delle toccanti ed eloquenti opere del suo amico di lunga data. La sua sottile fisicità trasporta il pubblico nel mondo interiore di Brodsky secondo il riverente immaginario di Hermanis.

Regista – Alvis Hermanis
Attore – Mikhail Baryshnikov
Scenografo – Kristīne Jurjāne
Light designer – Gleb Filshtinsky

BRODSKY/BARYSHNIKOV ha debuttato il 15 ottobre 2015 al New Riga Theatre di Riga, Lettonia

THE NEW RIGA THEATRE is a state repertory theatre founded in 1992, led by artistic director Alvis Hermanis since 1997. The Company is comprised of 16 actors. The New Riga Theatre has performed at major festivals around the world, including Festival d’Avignon, The Edinburgh International Festival, Wiener Festwochen, Salzburger Festspiele, Holland Festival, BITEF, Kunstenfestivaldesarts, and, to date, has toured to more than 200 towns and cities in 40 countries, both in Europe and overseas.

BRODSKY/BARYSHNIKOV is a one-man show based on the poems of Nobel laureate Joseph Brodsky, performed by Mikhail Baryshnikov. Conceived and directed by Alvis Hermanis, noted Latvian director of The New Riga Theatre, BRODSKY/BARYSHNIKOV is an emotional journey deep into the poet’s visceral and complex compositions. Performed in Russian, Brodsky’s mother tongue, Baryshnikov recites a selection of his long-time friend’s poignant and eloquent works. His subtle physicality transports the audience into Hermanis’ reverent imagining of Brodsky’s interior world.

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